Candy Bird

  • 2022/12/10


Candy Bird began his career as an artist by graffiti with works featuring sociality and marginality, seeking to interpret the values overlooked by the mainstream media. From 2018 onwards, he shifted his focus onto portraying different dimensions and conditions of life and engaging in a profound dialogue with his innermost self. Following the concept of imbrication in graffiti, he employs pluralistic techniques and new narrative approaches such as collaborating with amateur literature or contemporary dance. Up to now, his oeuvre spans the fields of painting, writing, performance, and public art.

Program Synopsis

What Could Happen

Lee Kit x Candy Bird

     The artists collect short clips about clumsy, stupid behavior or the inability to adapt to life from video streaming platforms. The protagonists in these clips either lack life experience beyond their own social classes, or act like a square peg in a round hole. The artists edit these clips and combine them with the storytelling interlaced by memories and history as well as the real and the fictional, thereby responding to the communication failures, futility, or embarrassing moments when the solution is nowhere on the horizon in our quotidian existence.